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Globalisation - Sea Blindness

What is the cost of Globalisation vide International Shipping ?

What is the actual cost of globalisation in the context of shipping in 2024 ?

Even from the Shadow of a Doorway, the influence of globalisation permeates our desire for readily available and cost effective consumer products. Enter "Sea Blindness", which refers to a lack of awareness or understanding of the importance of the sea and maritime affairs in modern society. 

In the context of globalisation, sea blindness can have significant implications for international trade, security, and economic development.

Here are some aspects of sea blindness in the context of globalisation:

Over Reliance on land-based transportation: Despite the fact that 90% of global trade is carried out by sea, many people overlook the critical role of maritime transport in global supply chains.

Limited awareness of maritime security threats: Sea blindness can lead to a lack of attention to maritime security issues, such as piracy, terrorism, and human trafficking.

Neglect of ocean governance and sustainability: The ocean's role in regulating the climate, providing food, and supporting biodiversity is often overlooked, leading to inadequate policies and practices for sustainable ocean management.

Ocean life free from toxins.

Disconnection from the blue economy: The blue economy encompasses the economic benefits derived from the ocean, including fisheries, tourism, and renewable energy. Sea blindness can hinder the development of these industries.

Lack of investment in maritime infrastructure and technology: Insufficient investment in ports, shipping, and maritime technology can hinder global trade and economic growth.

Consequently, addressing sea blindness is crucial for promoting sustainable and secure global trade, economic development, and ocean governance. 

By raising awareness and understanding of the importance of the sea, collectively we can work towards a more informed and responsible approach to the marine environment and its resources.

The silent Sentinel, ever vigilant.

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