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Contact Us

Got a question, a story to share, or just want to say hello? We'd love to hear from you! Feel free to reach out to us using any of the methods below:


You can email us directly at Whether you have a suggestion for a new adventure, want to share your own ephemeral curiosity experience, or just want to connect with our team, we're always excited to hear from fellow explorers like you!

Social Media:

Connect with us on social media for the latest updates, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and opportunities to share your own ephemeral curiosity moments. You can find us on Twitter/Instagram/Pinterest @NovationemForum – drop us a message or tag us in your posts, and let's inspire each other to embrace curiosity!

Share Your Stories:

We believe that everyone has a story to tell – whether it's a fleeting moment of wonder or an unforgettable adventure. If you have a story, photo, or video that captures the essence of ephemeral curiosity, we'd love to feature it on our blog! Send us your submissions at with the subject line "Ephemeral Curiosity Submission."

Collaborate With Us:

Are you a fellow creator, adventurer, or organisation who shares our passion for ephemeral curiosity? We're always open to collaboration opportunities, from guest posts and partnerships to sponsored content and event collaborations. Drop us a line at to discuss how we can work together to inspire others to embrace curiosity.

Press Enquiries:

Journalists, bloggers, and media professionals interested in featuring or interviewing our team members can reach out to us at We're happy to provide quotes, insights, or additional information for your story.

Get in Touch

No matter the reason for reaching out, we're excited to connect with you and share in the joy of ephemeral curiosity. Whether you're sharing your own stories, collaborating on a project, or simply saying hello, we look forward to hearing from you!

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