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Is the US Dollar losing its assurity as the default currency of the world in 2024 ?

Is the US Dollar losing its assurity as the default currency of the world in 2024 ... Operation Sandman ?

The default FIAT world currency ?

Recently, from the Shadow of a Doorway, I was curious as to whether the US Dollar (USD) maintains its status as the default global currency. While there are ongoing debates and geopolitical movements that could impact its dominance, as of 2024, the USD remains the primary reserve currency. Here are some key points to consider:

Current Status of the USD

1.    Global Reserve Currency:

The USD continues to be the world's primary reserve currency, held by central banks around the world. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the USD makes up a significant portion of global foreign exchange reserves.

2.    Trade and Finance:

The USD is widely used in international trade, finance, and commodities markets. Many global transactions, including oil trading (petrodollars), are conducted in USD, which reinforces its position.

3.    Stability and Trust:

Despite occasional economic challenges, the US economy is generally perceived as stable and robust. The political and economic systems of the US provide a level of trust and stability that underpins the USD's dominance.

Challenges to the USD

4.    Geopolitical Shifts:

Countries like China and Russia have been working towards reducing their dependency on the USD by promoting their own currencies in international trade. China's Belt and Road Initiative and the increased use of the Renminbi (RMB) in trade settlements are examples of these efforts.

Renminbi (RMB).

5.    Cryptocurrencies and Digital Currencies:

The rise of cryptocurrencies and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) presents a potential challenge to the USD's dominance. Countries like China are advancing their digital currency projects, which could influence global financial systems.

6.    Economic Policies:

US fiscal and monetary policies, such as large-scale stimulus packages and quantitative easing, have raised concerns about inflation and the long-term value of the USD. These concerns might impact global confidence in the currency.

Operation Sandman

"Operation Sandman" is not a widely recognised or validated operation related to global finance or the USD. It might be a term from speculative sources or conspiracy theories rather than from credible economic or geopolitical analysis. Without concrete evidence or recognition from authoritative sources, it's challenging to comment on its relevance or impact.

The US Dollar is under review by world economies ?


While the USD faces challenges from geopolitical shifts, emerging economies, and digital currencies, it remains the dominant global currency in 2024. Its widespread use in international trade, finance, and as a reserve currency underpins this status. However, the global financial landscape is dynamic, and ongoing developments could influence the future role of the USD. Investors and policymakers should stay informed about these trends and consider potential risks and opportunities.

The silent Sentinel, ever vigilant ...

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