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Does Witchcraft exist in 2024 ?

If Witchcraft exists in 2024, what form does it take ?

Apparently, witchcraft does exist in 2024, though its forms and practices have evolved and diversified significantly. Subsequently, from the Shadow of a Doorway, modern witchcraft encompasses a wide range of beliefs and practices, often grouped under the broader umbrella of neopaganism

Is it Magic or Witchcraft ...

Accordingly, consider this overview of its current manifestations:


Wicca is perhaps the most well-known modern form of witchcraft. It is a neopagan religion founded in the mid-20th century, which emphasises the worship of nature, the veneration of deities typically associated with natural forces, and the practice of ritual magic. Key aspects of Wicca include:

  • Rituals and Sabbats: Celebrations of seasonal changes and lunar cycles.
  • Magic: Practices often include spellcasting, divination, and the use of herbs and crystals.
  • Ethics: The Wiccan Rede, "An it harm none, do what ye will," guides ethical behaviour.

The vigil on magic ...

Eclectic Witchcraft

Many modern practitioners do not adhere strictly to Wiccan traditions. Instead, they may draw from various spiritual paths to create a personalised practice. This eclectic approach allows for a highly individualised form of witchcraft that can incorporate elements from:

  • Folklore: Traditional stories, legends, and practices from various cultures.
  • Other Religions: Elements from Buddhism, Christianity, indigenous beliefs, etc.
  • New Age Practices: Incorporation of ideas like astrology, meditation, and energy healing.

Traditional Witchcraft

Some practitioners seek to revive and practice older forms of witchcraft that predate Wicca. This can include:

The Witch of our nightmares ...

  • Historical Practices: Reconstructing pre-modern European witchcraft practices.
  • Regional Traditions: Drawing on local folklore and traditions, such as Cornish or Appalachian witchcraft.
  • Ancestor Worship: Honouring and working with ancestral spirits and deities from historical cultures.

Satanic Witchcraft

While not as widespread, there are forms of witchcraft associated with modern Satanism. This often involves:

The image of Satan ?

  • Self-Deification: Emphasising personal power and self-transformation.
  • Ritual Magic: Using rituals to achieve specific outcomes, often with an emphasis on breaking societal norms.

Internet and Social Media Influence

The rise of the internet and social media has significantly impacted modern witchcraft, leading to:

Social Media influence ?

  • Online Communities: Platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube have vibrant witchcraft communities where practitioners share knowledge and experiences.
  • Digital Resources: Blogs, forums, and virtual covens provide accessible information and community support.

Social and Political Activism

Some modern witches incorporate activism into their practice, focusing on:

The online voice of the people ...

  • Environmentalism: Protecting nature and promoting sustainability.
  • Social Justice: Using their platform to advocate for equality and human rights.


With the growing popularity of witchcraft, there has been an increase in commercial products marketed to practitioners, including:

The greed of money ...

  • Books and Guides: On spells, rituals, and witchcraft practices.
  • Tools and Supplies: Such as crystals, tarot cards, and ritual kits.
  • Workshops and Classes: Both online and in-person.

In essence, modern witchcraft is diverse and multifaceted, reflecting a blend of ancient traditions and contemporary influences. It continues to adapt and grow, resonating with individuals seeking spiritual connection, personal empowerment, and community in a rapidly changing world.

The Silent Sentinel, ever vigilant ...

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