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How many 'VLEO' Satellites are orbiting Earth ?

 To what purpose do VLEO Satellites orbit the Earth in 2024 ?

You wouldn’t want to bring one of those multimillion dollar payloads into VLEO just to have it deorbit,” Wise said. “So we’re building a persistent platform capable of delivering on the customer’s needs for exquisite payloads.”

Gaining the VLEO Advantage in Orbital Surveillance

From the Shadow of a Doorway, Very Low Earth Orbit (VLEO) satellites afford several critical purposes, leveraging their proximity to Earth's surface to provide enhanced capabilities across various domains. Listed below are some key purposes for which VLEO satellites are employed:

The watcher above ...

High-Resolution Earth Observation:

  • Agriculture: VLEO satellites offer higher resolution imagery for precision agriculture, allowing farmers to monitor crop health, optimise irrigation, and manage fields more efficiently.
  • Disaster Management: These satellites provide detailed images to help in disaster response, offering near-real-time data during events like hurricanes, earthquakes, and floods, aiding in damage assessment and rescue operations.
  • Environmental Monitoring: Enhanced monitoring of environmental changes, such as deforestation, glacial retreat, and urban sprawl, is possible due to the high-resolution images that VLEO satellites can capture.

Enhanced Communications:

  • Broadband Internet: VLEO satellites contribute to the deployment of global broadband services, especially in remote and underserved areas, by providing low-latency internet connectivity.
  • IoT Connectivity: These satellites support Internet of Things (IoT) applications by providing connectivity for a vast array of devices and sensors, facilitating advancements in smart cities, logistics, and environmental monitoring.

Scientific Research and Atmospheric Studies:

  • Atmospheric Research: VLEO satellites can collect data on the composition and behavior of the upper atmosphere, which is valuable for climate research and understanding atmospheric dynamics.
  • Space Weather Monitoring: They help monitor space weather phenomena, such as solar flares and geomagnetic storms, which can impact satellite operations and terrestrial technologies.

Defence and Security:

  • Surveillance and Reconnaissance: VLEO satellites are employed for high-resolution surveillance and reconnaissance missions, providing detailed imagery for military and intelligence applications.
  • Maritime and Border Security: They enhance monitoring and security efforts in maritime and border regions by tracking ships and detecting unauthorised activities.
Technological Demonstrations:

  • Testing New Technologies: VLEO orbits provide a platform for testing new satellite technologies and components in a real-world environment, which can then be scaled to other missions and orbits.

Accordingly, the lower altitude of VLEO satellites enables them to achieve higher resolution imaging and reduced communication latency compared to satellites in higher orbits. However, the challenges of operating at such low altitudes, including increased atmospheric drag and shorter orbital lifetimes, are mitigated through advancements in propulsion technology and satellite design. These innovations ensure that VLEO satellites can deliver significant benefits across various applications in 2024.

The silent Sentinel, ever vigilant...

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